"dalam jasad anak Adam ada seketul daging yang mana baik daging itu, baiklah seluruh anggota jasad. jika jahat, maka jahatlah seluruh anggota badan. ketahuilah..daging itu adalah hati"- al-hadis

7 Sept 2012

..written for My Creator

"I’m in such pressure and the only person that I want to talk to and can really understand is You. God, I don’t want to worry about things that might never happen or could happen, cause its all will eventually rest in your hand. Please know that I love you. You’re in my thoughts the first moment I open my eyes in the morning, I adore your creation, every little bit of it. God, I take life as a gift from you. I am only here, learning and trying my best only for You. I hold no grudge or jealousy towards anyone else because I know that You are fair, I have full faith on that.

"God, I believe in the good in people, I believe positively in Your creation. Though sometime it seems unbearable and I constantly make mistakes, You are always there to give the best for me and guide me, for this I am truly grateful. I have no complaints God, for I feel it in my heart a love for you so strong, and as I write it down these words just flow faster than I know, I don’t need to wait for the right time to get an inspiration, for you are my inspiration.

"God, sometime I feel such pain, such betrayal that I don’t know to whom I can trust and rely on. But thank you God for these experiences for you have always taught me and gave me challenges for me to improve and be a better person.

"Please know that, and I know that you already knew, I am entirely thankful. God, there is nothing on this earth, nor outside it that are too big for you, therefore nothing is impossible for me.

sesungguhnya (ost soleha) by ungu

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